Coronavirus in Israel - News & Resources in English | Tel Aviv Doctor

Coronavirus in Israel – News & Resources

For up to date information, please visit the Ministry of Health’s website with all the details and information regarding home quarantine requirements.

From January 2020 until mid-March 2020 we updated this blogpost multiple times to share medical news about the emerging Coronavirus pandemic in Israel – medical info intended for travellers and expats in Israel without access to Hebrew news. We will keep sharing relevant Coronavirus information for expats and foreigners in Israel in our blog and on our Social Media. Most recently in February 2021: Corona vaccination for non-Israelis in Tel Aviv

Coronavirus Situation in early 2020

As of March 11, 2020 Israel has been virtually isolated from the world in order to prevent further influx of potential carriers of the Coronavirus. Nevertheless the numbers are going up, with 25 new cases diagnosed on March 10 alone, raising the total to 75 patients.

We now offer private testing for Corona and COVID-19 (PCR & Antibody). Also at your home. Please send us a message for more information (Whatsapp, Email).

As of March 5, 2020 less than 20 Israelis had tested positive for Coronavirus – most of them returning from travels to Asia or Italy, meaning there had not been significant spread in Israel – and authorities did their best to keep it that way, mainly by means of limiting influx of travellers, as well as discouraging all travels abroad, and ordering self-quarantine at home for anyone returning to the country.

Travellers Barred From Entering Israel in early 2020

In the latest move preventing further spreading of the respiratory tract virus to Israel, the governement barred travellers from any destination from entering – unless they can provide a location for self-quarantine (Airbnb and hotels are not allowed). This is the status per March 11, 2020 and for at least the coming 2 weeks.

A few days preceding this order, banning virtually all travelling, Central Europe was added to a list of ‘high risk countries’. Incoming travellers at Ben Gurion, that live in any of these countries or have stayed in any of the countries on the list, are barred from entering Israel. Israelis and residents in Israel are required to enter 14 days of quarantine at home.

Originally the list included China, Hong Kong, Thailand and a few other Asian countries. Per February 23, 2020 South Korea was added to the list, with around 1,000 travellers already in Israel ordered to not leave their hotels. And per February 27, 2020 Italy was added to the list of high risk countries. Per March 4, 2020 Central European countries joined the list.

By March 2020, many international airlines including El Al, Lufthansa and Swiss are suspending their Israel flights, after El Al had already stopped flying to China at the end of January 2020 and Hong Kong (following the example of other major airlines around the world).

In the coming days and weeks we will do our best to keep you up to date on our Tel Aviv Doctor Facebook Page when news become available, sharing English language articles we consider worth noting and translating any Hebrew news updates that seem relevant.

NEW – We now offer online appointments with our doctors, for you not to leave your house. Please call us or send us a message. Same day appointments are usually available.

Official Policy – What Is Required From You?

As mentioned, the Health Ministry calls for travellers returning to Israel to remain at home isolated in quarantine for 14 days – even if they are healthy and without any sign of illness.

If you suffer from signs of any respiratory illness with symptoms like coughing and fever, and you have reason to believe it could be Coronavirus, do NOT visit an emergency room or clinic as you would potentially be putting other patients at risk.

See links to Health Ministry’s website below for detailed instructions (in English).

Ministry of Health Online Resources: Coronavirus in Israel

The Ministry of Health publishes relevant official policy on the topics mentioned above, plus other requirements and recommendations also in English:

Coronavirus: Stay Safe Tips

At Tel Aviv Doctor we put together a number of recommendations and health tips for you to follow to stay safe.

How to get vaccinated in Tel Aviv, Israel

A massive COVID19 vaccination campaign in Israel achieved vaccination rates without equal in the world by February 2021. Within months in the winter of 2020/2021 free vaccines were administered to millions. Here’s all the information in our health blog about how to get vaccinated in Tel Aviv – also as a foreign citizen. Click here .
