Category: Philosophy Of Care

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Coping with Stress During Times of Conflict: A Guide to Maintaining Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Coping with Stress During Times of Conflict: A Guide to Maintaining Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Stress of War In the wake of the past two weeks, grief, pain, anger, and fear have become all too familiar. These feelings persist, amplified by the stress and fear that accompany war and the constant threat of terrorism. As humans, our bodies have evolved coping mechanisms to deal with danger and stress. Our Sympathetic...

What Is ‘Social Prescribing’ In Medicine?

What Is ‘Social Prescribing’ In Medicine?

At Tel Aviv Doctor we always make it a point to look for remedies beyond prescriptions, encouraging behavior supporting patients’ health and well being. Recently we became aware of the term ‘Social Prescribing’ which has gained attention and traction in European countries. What does ‘Social Prescribing’ stand for? Social Prescribing allows Primary Care Providers to...
